Saturday, January 23, 2010

Topographically Speaking

I’m here! Whew, been snowed in for the past few days in New Mexico, but I’m here.

And you’ll have to excuse my excessive excitement here, but I really love last week’s story. I can totally understand now why people write fiction. If I could always write stories like that, have the process work like that, be as enthused and energized by the act of writing like that, I’d never want to do anything else! As Sh noted in the comments, it needs a fair bit of editing, but all in all I’m thrilled with how it turned out.

Now here’s the buzz kill of this week though. I’ve got nothing. I’m travelling this week, but by car with just my daughter, so no people watching opportunities. I guess the major thing I failed to consider when undertaking this challenge was the idea of writer’s block. What the hell do I do if/when writer’s block hits and I’m unable to do anything but watch my weekly deadline creep closer and closer as I stare at a blank open document?

Well, I am currently sitting in very possibly the busiest library I’ve ever been in, so hopefully something intriguing will happen shortly. Or at least the shadow of something interesting that can lead to a made up something intriguing.

I’m still trying to get my bearings here in the land of fiction, but so far I’m totally enjoying the scenery.

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